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Mental Health Awareness for Managers

This is a full day interactive course led by a licensed instructor which will enable participants to:


  • Recognise the signs and symptoms of poor mental health

  • Understand the effects of stigma on individuals experiencing poor mental health

  • Understand what depression and anxiety are and the effects they can have on a person

  • Understand the impact of suicide in the UK and Republic of Ireland

  • Learn basic tips for supporting someone

  • Understand more about self-care and implement self-care strategies


And help understand:


  • How mental ill-health can affect the workplace

  • The ways that managers can support staff in the workplace

  • How to look after ourselves at home and in the workplace

  • Responsibilities of managers - taking a look at issues such as how to create healthy workplaces; reasonable adjustments.




Workbooks are provided to accompany this course and upon completion participants will receive a certificate from MHFA Wales.

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*Please be aware that due to the sensitive topics being discussed during the training, it is recommended that participants have an appropriate level of well-being before attending.

Whilst sharing experiences can benefit the raining experience, participants must be aware that this is not intended as a therapy session.  This is for the comfort of all participants.

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